This offering mentions a “continual fire” Hebrews 14:16, Heb 10:1-25 shows us how Christ has fulfilled this offering. And reminds us that He is continually fulfilling this perpetual offering.
We offer ourselves up as Living Sacrifices, Romans 12.
Until we see that we are God’s, we will think that what we have is ours and part of it is God’s. This is to be repented of once it’s revealed.
Psalms 76
How do we rob God ? Malachi 3: 4-12
By withholding tithes and offerings. This is a matter of the heart, it is not a financial decision or an “investment” it is a realization that we are His therefore everything I have is His. The true freedom comes from knowing that we are His and everything belongs to Him, so he has great pleasure in meeting all of our needs and providing everything necessary to bring him Glory.
Abundant life is a matter of the heart. Our aim in our studies is to come to a greater understanding of the finished work of Christ.
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